Total number of studies involving ionising radiation 2018 to 2023 graph - long description

Last updated on 25 Sep 2024

A line chart showing the total number of studies involving ionising radiation between 2018 and 2023.

On one axis is the number of studies, on the other is the year. The graph shows two lines of data with similar year on year trends.

A yellow line shows the number of studies involving ionising radiation receiving a final opinion from a Research Ethics Committee (UK wide). Starting at 666 in 2018 it falls slightly to 654 in 2019 before a larger drop to 562 in 2020. It then increases to 657 in 2021, before dropping again to 559 in 2022 and rising to 619 in 2023.

A blue line shows the number of studies involving ionising radiation receiving HRA and HCRW Approval. Starting at 509 in 2018 it rises slightly to 572 in 2019 before dropping to 473 in 2020. It then rises to 575 in 2021 before falling again to 474 in 2022. It rises again in 2023 to 529.

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