Total number of studies involving children aged under 16 2018 to 2023 graph - long description

Last updated on 25 Sep 2024

A line graph showing the total number of studies involving children aged under 16 between 2018 and 2023.

On one axis is the number of studies, on the other is the year. The lines of data are shown on the graph, both following similar trends of gradual decline.

The first is a blue line showing studies that have received a final opinion from a Research Ethics Committee (UK wide). The line starts at 798 in 2018, dropping to 748 in 20219, 662 in 2020 and 634 in 2021. It rises slightly to 653 in 2022, before dropping to a low of 627 in 2023.

The second line in yellow shows studies that have received HRA and HCRW Approval. The line starts at 564 in 2018, rising to 577 in 2019. The line then drops each subsequent year, from 498 in 2020, to 495 in 2021, 485 in 2022 and 483 in 2023.

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