Total number of studies involving adults without capacity to consent 2018 to 2023 graph - long description

Last updated on 25 Sep 2024

A line graph showing the total number of studies involving adults without capacity to consent between 2018 and 2023.

On one axis is the number of studies, on the other is the year. The graph shows two lines of data, both following the same trend, peaking in 2020 before falling off each subsequent year to a low in 2023.

A blue line shows studies involving adults without capacity to consent receiving a final opinion from a REC (UK wide). Starting at 293 in 2018 the number rises slightly to 299 in 2019, before sharply rising to a peak of 369 in 2020. From there the line drops to 270 in 2021 and 272 in 2022 before reaching a low of 238 in 2023.

A yellow line shows studies involving adults without capacity to consent receiving HRA and HCRW Approval. Following the same trend the line starts at 187 in 2018, rising slightly to 200 in 2019 before sharply rising to a peak of 264 in 2020. From there the line drops to 188 in 2021 and 191 in 2022 before reaching a low of 180 in 2023.

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