Median number of days taken for REC (UK wide) review 2018 to 2023 graph - long description

Last updated on 25 Sep 2024

A line graph showing the median number of days taken for REC (UK wide) review between 2018 and 2023.

On one axis is the number of days, on the other is the year. There are two lines of data shown on the graph, the first is a blue line showing commercially sponsored research and a yellow line showing non-commercially sponsored research. Both lines show a peak in both 2019 and 2022, falling in between.

The blue line showing commercially sponsored research starts at 32 days in 2018 before rising to 35 days in 2019, dropping to 31.5 days in 2020 and 31 days in 2021, before rising again to 35 days in 2022 before finally dropping to 32 days in 2023.

Showing a similar trend, with smaller increases and decreases, the yellow line for non-commercially sponsored research starts at 30 days in 2018, rising to 31 days in 2019, before dropping to 28 days in 2020. From there it increases to 29 days in 2021 and 30 days in 2022, before dropping to 28 days in 2023.

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