Proportionate Review

Last updated on 25 Sep 2024

Proportionate Review provides a lighter touch review for studies that raise no material ethical issues.

Studies submitted for Proportionate Review are reviewed via email or online by a sub-committee of a Research Ethics Committee (REC), rather than at a full REC meeting.

Number of Proportionate Reviews

Between 2018 and 2023 we saw a drop in the number of Proportionate Reviews. For studies that required REC (UK wide) approval the number has dropped from 1,738 in 2018 to a low of 832 in 2022.

For studies that required HRA and HCRW Approval the number dropped from 1,294 in 2018 to a low of 600 in 2022.

In 2023 we saw a small increase in the number of reviews for both types of approval.

The fall in the number of Proportionate Reviews is in part linked to work we have done to ensure that the right studies are submitted for the right review, as well as an overall reduction in the total number studies submitted due to changes in the way student research is carried out in the NHS.

Compared to 2018 the percentage of studies being reviewed under Proportionate Review has decreased by 10% (REC review) and 9% (HRA and HCRW Approval) between 2018 and 2023. This means that a higher percentage of studies are being reviewed by a full REC review.

Total number of Proportionate Reviews

Below are the total number of Proportionate Reviews (REC UK wide) per year alongside the percentage of the total number of studies reviewed that year:

  • 2018 – 1,738 (33%)
  • 2019 – 1,477 (30%)
  • 2020 – 1,006 (23%)
  • 2021 – 917 (21%)
  • 2022 – 832 (21%)
  • 2023 – 929 (23%)

The total number of Proportionate Reviews (HRA and HCRW Approval) per year was:

  • 2018 – 1,294 (28%)
  • 2019 – 1,062 (25%)
  • 2020 – 730 (19%)
  • 2021 – 651 (17%)
  • 2022 – 600 (17%
  • 2023 – 665 (19%)
Total number of studies reviewed under Proportionate Review 2018 to 2023
Total number of studies reviewed under Proportionate Review 2018 to 2023 graph long description Long description

Review times

We aim for a Research Ethics Committee to issue a Proportionate Review decision within 21 days of receiving a valid application.

Number of days taken to complete Proportionate Reviews

The time taken to complete Proportionate Reviews has been consistently within or under our target of 21 days, taking just under 20 days for approval.

Between 2018 and 2023 the median number of days to complete a Proportionate Review was:

  • 2018 – 17 days
  • 2019 – 21 days
  • 2020 – 21 days
  • 2021 – 19 days
  • 2022 – 18 days
  • 2023 – 20 days

In the chart below you can see the number of days taken for a Proportionate Review broken down by REC (UK wide) and HRA and HCRW Approval.

Number of days taken to complete Proportionate Review 2018 to 2023
Number of days taken to complete Proportionate Review 2018 to 2023 graph long description Long description

We saw a slight increase in the time taken to complete a Proportionate Review during Summer 2023 with the number of applications increasing by approximately 30% between August and November 2023 compared to normal levels.

In quarter three (October, November and December) of 2023/2024 the median number of days rose above our 21 day target, to 26 days.

Timelines returned to normal levels in quarter four (January, February and March) of 2023-2024.

Latest review times

In January, February and March (quarter four) of 2023/2024 the median number of days taken to review Proportionate Review submissions was 18 days (REC UK wide) and 46 days (HRA and HCRW approval).

Between April 2024 and June 2024 (quarter one) of 2024/25 the median number of days taken to review Proportionate Review submissions was 19 days (REC UK wide) and 44 days (HRA and HCRW approval).

Quarterly breakdown Proportionate Review times

You can take a look at a quarterly (every three months) breakdown of the time taken to review Proportionate Review submissions for 2018 to 2023 below:

How we break down our data

For most applicants to the Health Research Authority, the REC review forms part of the overall HRA and HCRW Approval process. A favourable opinion from a REC is also required for studies which receive support from the Confidentiality Advisory Group.

We have separated our REC review data from our HRA and HCRW Approval data because HRA and HCRW Approval applies only to the NHS in England and Wales. This approval brings together the assessment of governance and legal compliance, undertaken by dedicated HRA staff, with the independent ethical opinion by a REC so that you only need to submit one application.

Some studies submitted for HRA and HCRW Approval do not require REC approval, others do. This is explained more fully in our guidance.

We have broken down our data to reflect this difference, as well as showing timelines for HRA approval of commercial and non-commercially sponsored research.

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