How we involve the public in our work

Last updated on 29 Jul 2024

As an organisation that protects and promotes the interests of patients and the public in research, it is important that we have a good understanding of what these interests are. By involving and listening to the views of patients and the public, we help to ensure they are placed at the centre of what we do.

We involve people from all walks of life, whether they have little or no knowledge of health and social care research through to patients and carers of people who have taken part in clinical trials.

In this video Philip talks about his experiences as a HRA public contributor. Read the video transcript.

HRA Public Involvement Network

Patients and members of the public on our HRA Public Involvement Network have helped us to recruit staff at the HRA, re-designed and developed content for our website and have worked with us to develop and deliver staff training.

If you would like to hear about future patient and public involvement opportunities at the HRA, please contact us using the details below to join our HRA Public Involvement Network.

Our ways of working guidance and information sets out how we expect to work together.

Public dialogue

Our work as a health and social care research regulator impacts on patients and the public, therefore, it is important that the HRA listens to your views and incorporates them into our work and the policy and guidance we develop. 

You can also get involved through responding to our public consultations.

Volunteering as a lay member on HRA committees

Lay members are people who volunteer on Research Ethics Committees and other HRA committees such as the Confidentiality Advisory Group, many of whom do not work in clinical research or health care or have a background in it. The views and opinions of lay members are important and sit at the heart of the HRA’s commitment to protect and promote the interests of patients and the public in research.

Would you like to get involved?

We advertise opportunities for people to apply to be members of Research Ethics Committees and other HRA committees on our website and twitter @HRA_Latest. 

If you would like to join the HRA Public Involvement Network or be involved in the HRA's work, or if you have any ideas or feedback, the public involvement team would love to hear from you.


Telephone:  0207 104 8161

Write: HRA public involvement team, Health Research Authority, 3 Piccadilly Place, London Road, Manchester, M1 3BN.

If you have feedback or concerns about your experience of involvement at the HRA, you can find out how to raise these on our feedback page.

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