Monthly CO2 emitted from rail travel (committee members and public involved in our work)

Last updated on 25 Jul 2024

A graph showing the monthly carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from March 2023 to March 2024 through rail travel undertaken by committee members and the public who are involved in our work.

There is a line showing the 2022 baseline which is around 150 KgCO2 emitted a month. The graph shows that between April 2023 and June 23 emissions were higher than the 2022 baseline, peaking at just over 500 KgCO2 in May 2023.

Between July 2023 and August 2023 there are no emissions. From September 2023 to December 2023 emissions are much higher than the 2022 baseline, with emissions in November 2023 just over 500 KgCO2 and at 400 KgCO2 in December 2023.

From January 2024 to March 2024 emissions are below 50 KgCO2 for each month.

The 12 month mean for this period is shown by a line on the graph at just over 200 KgCO2 a month.

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