Who are we - text description

Last updated on 6 Jul 2023

An infographic showing the different groups of people that work with and for the HRA.

The total number of staff at the HRA is 263. 71% of our people are female, 17% come from minority ethnic communities and 9% have a disability.

We have 1,220 subscribers to our Public Involvement Network email list, 806 Research Ethics Committee members, 28 Confidentiality Advisory Group members, 264 Technical Assurance reviewers and 10 Board members (including two non voting members).

The graphic also shows our inclusivity highlights which are:

  • Launched our Dignity and Respect Policy supported by an engaging respect video featuring colleagues and volunteers
  • Redesigned our Recruitment Policy and guidance, enabling good quality recruitment decisions by minimising potential for bias. 40 new managers have been trained
  • Achieved 50:50 gender balance in our recruitment to new roles and increased ethnic minority representation in managers to 14%
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