Problems with our website

Last updated on 26 Jun 2024

We've been having some issues with our website and in the last few days it might not always have been available when you needed it. We are really sorry for any inconvenience.

The website is now back up and running (as you can see from this message) and we're checking the site to make sure everything's working as it should be.

Research summaries

Unfortunately we're not able to update our research summaries pages at the moment, though the database of almost 60,000 studies is accessible.

These pages have information about every research study that is reviewed by a Research Ethics Committee in the UK..

If you can’t find the summary for a study which was reviewed recently, please contact our communications team who will check whether it should be published and send to you if so.

Get in touch

If you notice anything that isn't displaying or working correctly, please email our communications team so we can help make the website as good as it should be.

Thanks for your patience.

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