Date: Thursday 1 February
Time: 11.30am to 12.30pm
We are trialling the use of training webinars for researchers and stakeholders who are new to the HRA Approval process.
The first is specifically aimed at researchers within universities preparing to submit an application to the HRA and wanting to understand how the process works.
It will cover practical advice on completing and submitting your application, including the common areas where further clarification is frequently sought during the review process and what you can do to reduce this.
To book, please register on the Online Booking System.
The course itself is not advertised on the site but you will be able to access it here once registered, and you will then be sent a link with the webinar details.
We are limiting the places to 25 at this first webinar, after which we plan to release a series of dates.
If you have any difficulties please contact the training team