Over 500 people have fed back on our ideas about how we could make ethics review more streamlined and proportionate in our public conversation which runs until 7 October.

We’ve heard from university staff, NHS organisations, Research Ethics Committee members, patients, carers and more.
Alongside our online survey, we're holding workshops with different stakeholder groups to hear views on our ideas to:
- introduce a tool to support applicants to think ethically as they design their study and before they submit their study for review
- make more use of expert Research Ethics Service and approvals staff in reviewing lower risk research
- delegate ethics review for studies within a programme of research to research institutions, cutting back bureaucracy for programmes which already have a favourable ethics opinion
and we are interested in other ideas too.
Our next workshop is for researchers, research sponsors and delivery teams, and will be held on Wednesday 31 August, 10am to 1pm
The workshop will take place online and will give researchers and research sponsors the opportunity to hear more about our ideas and to talk with us about them.
If you are interested in taking part in the workshop please email engagement.team@hra.nhs.uk.