Technical Assurances team attended UK Clinical Pharmacy Association Conference 2019

Last updated on 20 Dec 2019

The Technical Assurances team from the Health Research Authority recently attended the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association ‘Pharmacy Together’ Conference 2019. 

We were there to promote the use of Pharmacy Assurance, the single technical review of clinical trials conducted by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians registered with the HRA.

The team built on the positive engagement with pharmacists at Clinical Pharmacy Congress 2019 earlier in the year by talking to delegates about what Pharmacy Assurance is and how it can be used to help NHS sites participating in clinical trials set up their studies.

Kirstie Penman, Technical Assurance Officer, said: “We were really grateful for the opportunity to be invited to attend this exciting event. This is only the second year that the conference has been running, so to be involved at such an early stage in its development is really positive, as it raises awareness of the Health Research Authority and the work we do as the Technical Assurance team. Delegates were eager to find out more about the process and how to collaborate with us, and many registered their interest in becoming reviewers, so this was a hugely positive day for us”.

Pharmacy Assurance team at Clinical Pharmacy Congress
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