Guidance has been updated on the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) for all studies involving radiation.
We have had feedback that sometimes applicants are not clear what uses of radiation need to be included in the IRAS application.
If applicants are logged into IRAS they will now see updated guidance for the project filter page questions: “Does the study involve the use of any ionising radiation?” and “Does the study involve exposure to radioactive materials?”. The new guidance gives examples of some of the most common ionising radiation procedures, including those where radioactive materials are used. This is to make sure that they have the relevant sections of the form available to complete.
This is supported by guidance on the definition of a research exposure which was updated in January. This information is available to everyone, even those without a log-in.
There is also new guidance for medical physics experts and clinical radiation experts to use when completing their reviews in Part B Section 3 of the IRAS form. This is available to everyone, even those without a log-in.
In addition, the question specific guidance for applicants in Part B Section 3 itself has been updated to include clarification on differences in requirements between applications going through Radiation Assurance and those not using the process. There is clearer guidance on how to fill out that section of IRAS, for example by specifying that the maximum number of radiation exposures should be included in the review.
There is also advice on who is eligible to do fill this out, for example Medical Physics Experts (MPEs) need to be registered with the RPA2000. Applicants also need to be logged into IRAS to see this guidance.
All of the updates were developed by the technical assurance team together with our Four Nations Radiation Assurance Working Party of experts.