Funders, research and development managers, patients, researchers and sponsors packed into Friends House in London this week to take part in our first Make it Public consultation workshop.

Around 40 people fed back on the HRA’s draft strategy which
sets out ways to improve transparency and openness in health and social care
The 12-week consultation which began on 17 June is targeting NHS, university
and commercial researchers, as well as funders and patient groups ahead of the
publication of the HRA’s new research transparency strategy later this year.
The workshop was led by Professor Andrew George, chair of the Research
Transparency Strategy Group and non-executive director at the HRA, and Juliet
Tizzard, HRA Director of Policy.

Juliet Tizzard, HRA Director of Policy“We had a good mix of people attending the workshop and giving their views about the way forward. It’s clear that they felt passionately about transparency for the benefit of both professionals and patients.
“Overall people attending the workshop seemed to welcome the proposals we’ve put forward. But we’ll now analyse all the rich feedback to help us further refine the draft strategy.
“We now look forward to our workshops in Manchester, Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh and hope to see as many people as possible there. We’ve also had lots of people more fill in our online survey already and are keen for more to take part.”
The consultation seeks views about plans and proposals in three key areas of research transparency – registering research projects, making research findings public and letting participants have access to findings from research which they have taken part in. It also seeks views about what action we could take if sponsors don’t fulfill their transparency requirements.
We plan to publish our final strategy by the end of the year to provide clear direction on how to make sure that patients, the public and professionals can easily access useful information about health and care research studies.
Read the full draft strategy and take part in our online survey which takes about 15 minutes to complete and is open until 6 September.
There’s still chance to book on to one of our remaining face-to-face workshops in Manchester on Thursday 25 July, Cardiff on Wednesday31 July, Belfast on Monday 12 August or Edinburgh in early September.