COVID-19 COPI notice extended

Last updated on 16 Sep 2021

Given the ongoing public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has made the decision to extend the existing Control of Patient Information (COPI) notice for a further six months to support the continued use of data over the winter period. The notice is currently due to expire at the end of March 2022.

The general COPI notice (issued under Regulation 3(4) of the COPI regulations, requires organisations working for the health service, local authorities and government bodies to share data for COVID-19 research and planning purposes in order to support the pandemic response.

This means that the general COPI notice provides a temporary lawful basis to processes confidential patient information (CPI) without consent if it is for COVID-19 research and planning purposes.

During September and October 2021, we will contact applicants working under the COPI notice who have previously been provided with informal advice from CAG. We will work with applicants to begin steps towards transitioning from working under the COPI notice to a permanent legal basis for processing confidential patient information (Regulation 5 support). If you are working under the COPI notice and have not heard from us by the end of October, or have any questions please contact

Find out more about the COPI notice on the website or read our COPI transition guidance.

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