Annual report and accounts for 2023-24 published

Last updated on 25 Jul 2024

Today (25 July) our annual report and accounts for 2023-24 have been published and are now available to view.

The report, which was officially laid before Parliament, provides details on our performance during 2023-24, as well as in-depth look at our finances.

In the introduction to the report we describe who we are, what we do, why we exist and what our strategy is. There are then three main sections of the report:

  • Performance report - talks about how we've performed over the past year, the risks we face and our sustainability
  • Accountability report - explains how the Health Research Authority is run and the governance processes we have in place - this report also includes a report from our auditors
  • Financial statements - a detailed look at the money we've received and how we spent it

You can take a look at our annual report and accounts in full, as well as editions from previous years, on the annual report section of our website.

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