How we make decisions

Last updated on 19 Mar 2018

This section provides information on how decisions are made and recorded.


We recommend that you read the content that sits within our governance section on the website to find out about how we make decisions.

HRA Board papers

We publish our board agendas, supporting papers and minutes on our website which outlines the decisions made by the HRA Board.

Audit and Risk Committee

The HRA Board is required to establish an Audit and Risk Committee with formal and transparent arrangements for considering how the Board applies corporate reporting, risk management and internal control principles and for maintaining an appropriate relationship with the HRA’s independent  auditors. A summary of the Audit and Risk Committee meetings are published with the Board meeting papers and the Terms of Reference set out the role and remit of the Committee.

Patient and public involvement strategy

We have developed a patients and public involvement strategy, which outlines our committment to involving members of the public in our work. We would also recommend that you visit our dedicated webpage that focuses on 'how we involve the public in our work'.

Public consultations

We regularly undertake public consultations as and when necessary. We recommend that you visit our 'consultations' area for more information.

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