Photography and video consent form

Last updated on 9 May 2024

We often use photographs and videos to help share important information on our website, in documents and on social media.

You may be asked for your permission to feature in a photograph or video. This could be individually or at an event.

It is important that you understand how your image may be used before you give consent.

Consent form

In our consent form we explain how we will safely store your image, where it may be used, how long we will keep it for and how you can withdraw your consent.

Complete our online photography and video consent form

Withdrawing your consent

You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at

If you withdraw your consent, we will not use your image in any new publications or materials and will delete your image from our records. It may not however be possible to withdraw your image from publications or materials which have already been published.

If you have any questions or concerns please email

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