Wales REC 1

Mrs Clare Gabriel
Approvals Specialist
Penny Beresford
Approvals Administrator
Debbie Burch
Usual meeting venue
Meetings are held remotely via Zoom
Usual meeting time
1 p.m.
Committee types
RECs recognised to review CTIMPS in healthy volunteers - type i
RECs recognised to review CTIMPS in patients - type iii
Committee flags
Establishing Research Tissue Banks
Phase 1 Studies in Healthy Volunteers
Phase 1 Studies in Patients
Research Involving Adults Lacking Capacity
Back to search research ethics committee directory

Meeting Dates

1stApr 25
6thMay 25
3rdJun 25
5thAug 25
2ndSep 25
7thOct 25
4thNov 25
2ndDec 25
3rdFeb 26
3rdMar 26