North West – Preston

Previous name(s)
*Please note, this committee has now taken on work previously covered by the North West - Lancaster committee*, This REC was previously known as Cumbria & Lancashire 'B' REC then North West 11 REC - Preston
Professor Karen Wright
Approvals Specialist
Natalie Marking
Approvals Administrator
Jan Kinnersley / Laura Fairman
North West
Usual meeting venue
Meeting held by video-conference via Zoom
Usual meeting time
9 a.m.
Committee types
Authorised REC
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Meeting Dates

28thMar 25
25thApr 25
23rdMay 25
27thJun 25
25thJul 25
26thSep 25
24thOct 25
28thNov 25
23rdJan 26
27thFeb 26
27thMar 26