East of England – Essex

Dr Niki Bannister
Approvals Specialist
Vic Strutt
Approvals Administrator
Owen Foulkes/Chane Roodt
East of England
Usual meeting venue
Meeting held by video-conference via Zoom
Usual meeting time
12:30 p.m.
Committee types
RECs recognised to review CTIMPS in patients - type iii
Committee flags
Phase 1 Studies in Patients
Research Involving Adults Lacking Capacity
Research Involving Prisoners or Prisons
Research Involving Children
Back to search research ethics committee directory

Meeting Dates

6thMar 25
3rdApr 25
1stMay 25
5thJun 25
3rdJul 25
7thAug 25
4thSep 25
6thNov 25
4thDec 25
5thFeb 26
5thMar 26