Our Research Ethics Service (RES) is responsible for RECs, which safeguard the rights, safety, dignity and well-being of people participating in research in the NHS in England.
Each year REC members review around 6,000 research applications across the UK and on average an opinion is given in less than 40 days: well within the maximum allowance of 60 days.
To support you in your role as a REC member we have pulled together our key policies, guidance and training to enable you to be successful in your role, which consists of:
Would you like to become a REC member?
Please visit our ‘become a REC member’ page.
Membership feedback
Our Quality Assurance department, in addition to its role in audit and accreditation of REC, manages user satisfaction processes and feedback. You can access our membership feedback form on our quality assurance page.
Member feedback is always welcome, and helps inform our developments. Feedback may be given to your REC Manager or any member of HRA management.
To raise a concern relating to the actions, behaviours or decisions of our staff, REC Chairs and members, including concerns that arise from the delivery of HRA procedures and policies the Framework for Raising a Concern should be used. The Framework for Raising a Concern sets out principles for addressing concerns in the first instance, as well as stipulating exclusions from the framework.
Volunteer survey summary report
Back in March we shared a link to a survey about your experience of working with the Health Research Authority. The survey went to everyone who contributes to the work of the HRA as members of our Research Ethics Committees, the Confidentiality Advisory Group and those who are part of our patient and public involvement network.
Across the three groups, we had a very high response rate of 42%. Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions and provide valuable feedback. A summary of the survey findings is available here. We are using the information that you have given to inform the work we are undertaking in partnership with the Community Insight Group.